Society and It's Effects on Women and Children.

What is society? People? ... Culture?

What is considered acceptable in our society?

What is considered unacceptable in our society or culture?

These are questions that we seem to know the answers to, but do we really?

Things like murder, rape, incest, and stealing are considered unacceptable. Yet we accept things like pornography, nudity, and exploitation of women and children's bodies through various forms of media, and we think nothing of it. The majority of the people either enjoy it, or ignore it, but only a few try to stop it, unfortunately too few try to make a change occur. The most that can be done is to open more people’s eyes to what is happening all around them. If enough people realize what is happening then maybe more people will care enough to try to make a change.

Through the ages there have been changes in society, the people changed, and hence society changed. What was once wrong in society is now right, but how can that be? How does something wrong, all of a sudden become right? Is right and wrong merely a perspective? When did it change? When will the day come when what we consider wrong now will be right? If people keep changing the perspective of wrong and right, then one day it will be wrong to have morals, and right to do wrong.

People are supposedly all created equally, but people are not all treated equally, women especially are still being discriminated against, and degraded. Women have come a long way, and proved themselves capable of handling many things, yet some women are still trapped into thinking that they can only be sex objects for men. The girls who are beautiful are encouraged to be models, or to use their looks and body to get what they want, they are not even encouraged to use their minds. Yet when a beautiful woman does use her mind, and gains a position of importance, she has to combat sexual harassment from her male coworkers, or from her boss.

Back in the 1800's and early 1900's it would have been considered indecent to show a woman in her underwear, much less a bikini. But today both young girls and woman are displayed in ads clad only in bikinis, and nothing is thought of it, when will be the day when woman are more than just objects for display?

Beauty in girls these days is measured on how thin, young, or pretty one is, and whether or not they look good in a bikini. This is what young girls are being taught by society. Yet at the same time parents, teachers, and psychologists try to tell them that looks don't matter, and that it is what's inside that counts. Which is true, because looks do not make a person, it is what is inside that person that really counts beyond any outward appearance. But society reinforces that looks do matter, and that signal is loud and clear to most young girls, and the unfortunate truth is that many girls are in fact judged on their looks, no matter how much society may deny it. Some girls strive so hard to be like the models that they see in the ads, that they end up killing themselves and a life is wasted, others succeed only to find out the only thing that they will used for is for their body, and that they don't get any respect for who they are inside, only for what they look like on the outside.

Society has changed dramatically since the 1800's and 1900's. Back then women were fighting for the right to vote and to be treated as equals. Now they have the right to vote and many have high paying and important jobs, but still woman are degraded, and women continue to allow themselves to be degraded, because of "society", and the way they are brainwashed into accepting things in a male oriented society. When will the day come when "society" can see that what everyone so casually accepts is wrong.

Back in history, society accepted slavery, it was wrong, but it was accepted. It took a civil war to stop it, and even then black people were treated as if they weren't human beings with feelings or rights for a long time afterwards , though it was wrong to do so. But most of society didn't care enough about it being wrong, which is why it continued. Once royalty could only marry royalty, so there were many cases of relatives marrying, it was wrong, but accepted. Not until they found out that the children resulting from these unholy marriages were defective, because of being bred too closely, did they stop the practice.

Homosexuality, is accepted in today's society, and society wanted to teach it to children in the schools with the rainbow curriculum. Yet once it was considered unacceptable, and wrong. What changed to make it right? Society... The people changed. Yet did that make it right? Now there is AIDs, and it started because of homosexuality, and bestiality. Bestiality is already known in our society, will that too one day be accepted and taught in school? Schools hand out condoms now, but religion and morals are banned from the public schools. Now it is okay to teach about sex and drugs, but it is a crime to teach about God or being good.

Back in the 60's and 70's was the so-called sexual revolution, people smoked pot, and believed only in love and peace. They wanted to break away from the rules of society, and be free to do what they pleased. What happened was a changing of society, but not for the better, for the worse. And it gets worse with every generation. Why?

Every new generation is brought into a world full of "free speech", a great concept, but in reality it has been twisted and used for illegal and/or immoral purposes.

Pornographers are free to advertise their wares on the Internet, and in magazine and newspaper ads. People are free to take pictures of children naked, and call it naturist art. Bookstores like Barnes and Noble display postcards with nude pictures, and nude photography books openly, yet they do not stop children from entering the store or looking at any nudity. Nude art photography which once was just silouettes of adults, now ranges from playboy like poses of children and teens, to pornographic and sexual poses with women and men. Yet it is called art, and freedom of expression in art, allows it to be placed in a bookstore for sale, or even in some art shows or museums. At Tower Books, kids are free to walk in since it is only a bookstore, yet they display large books on the wall with nude couples. Nude picture books right next to the cash register, with a pornographic picture on the cover, and they have a large book section devoted to erotica, and another large section devoted to sex. They display these things openly, so that you can't possibly miss it, yet they have no signs that kids are not allowed to enter or any signs that would even suggest that it was anything more than a regular bookstore.

Even the local video store, has large selections of adult videos, with nude or semi nude women depicted on the covers, yet it is displayed openly, and they don't monitor children in the store. But society accepts nudity these days. Because while some people may not like it, or agree with it, the majority of people just accept it and ignore it. Now when you go to a movie and it is rated PG-13, there is a good chance that you may see a naked woman in it. Never a naked man, only women are degraded. And movies that are rated R now, at one time would have been rated X, but society has lowered the morality ratings for movies. Society accepts far too much. When will the politicians, and the people in power, see what is happening to our "society".

Some families take their children to nude beaches, and camps, and children are photographed nude, and their pictures are sold to pedophiles, or posted on the Internet, but society doesn't care. Society and our government sees nothing wrong with raising a child as a nudist, to them it is only an alternative lifestyle. No one cares about what happens to the kids in these environments or how they are being exploited. No one thinks about what these kids may be feeling about themselves or what was done to them as they get older and start realizing things for themselves. No one cares about what happens to them, or what they might become or do as a result of years of being used and exploited for monetary gain. No one cares about emotional abuse, only physical abuse. Mental abuse leaves no outward scars that can be seen, so no one knows and therefore no one cares, just as long as it isn't them or their children. But one day it could be their children, because they didn't care enough to speak out against it.

When I read in the papers or watch the news on the TV about pre-teens and teens having sex, little kids being raped and molested by other kids in the schools, minors being prostitutes, and other children being kidnapped and molested, it makes me feel sick to my stomach. These children are victims of an "adult" society. Whether they wanted to become part of this "adult" world, or not, is irrelevant. It happened, because the "adults" in this society, are not adult enough to take responsibility for their own actions. The "adults" of this world, don't see what they are doing to the following generations, by not setting guidelines, and not acting responsibly. I sometimes wonder, are we really adults, or just kids who took the wrong path, and never really grew up.

The reason that every generation is worse than before, is because of what they grow up with, children cannot be children, they are growing up in a world designed only for adults. Yet what is adult about porn, and nudity? What is adult about sex? Is adulthood only centered around our own sexual needs, is that adulthood? If one doesn't accept nudity, and does not wish to participate in going to movies with nudity, or to accept magazines or advertisers of it, and stands against it, then they are called immature, and not being an adult. Funny, how being an adult has to do with being able to accept nudity and porn. I always thought that being an adult was to rise above it. I thought that being an adult was to take responsibility for our actions. I thought that being an adult was being able to support ourselves in an honest living, and to try our best to do what is right. I thought that being an adult meant trying to make the world better. I thought that being an adult meant protecting the children, giving them a safe and happy childhood, allowing children to be children and to retain their innocence. But our society instead steals the innocence of children and exploits it and them.

Using our minds to grow, and using new technology for advancement in knowledge is to evolve as human beings. To merely use new technology to spread sexually oriented material is to waste the minds of the young. Society isn't evolving anymore it is now de-evolving. It is becoming animalistic. An anarchy. Without direction and purpose in life, without knowing right from wrong, we are only plummeting backwards in our evolution. When society accepts things that they know in their hearts is wrong, but accept it, because they want to go with the crowd, then society deserves what happens to them and their children, because they did not care enough to stand up for what was right.

Personally, I have had my fill of society, I go by my own code of what is right and what is wrong, and if society doesn't like it, then that is just too bad, because according to society, even I have freedom of speech.

I do not believe in the Blue Ribbon freedom of speech campaign on the Internet and I am against the opinions of the ACLU. And I wish that the government would step in and regulate the Internet, and get the smut off it. The Internet was designed for an exchange of ideas and knowledge. It was not meant for pornographers to display their wares, or for men to degrade the bodies of women and children by displaying them nude.

I am not a very religious person, but I do know right from wrong, and even with knowing right from wrong, I have made some wrong choices in life, so I can understand human weaknesses. I don't know for sure if there is any heaven or hell, but whether there is or not, even if I die and my life ends at that, I will know that at least I tried to be good in life, and did not accept something which was wrong just because everyone else accepted it. At least I can be my own person, and die with my conscience being clear. The people in our society are self destructing, they are destroying the future, and they don't even know it.

That is all I have to say about society, I just don’t believe that women and children have the respect yet that they deserve in this "society". I would call myself a feminist, except that I don't think that I would want to be associated with what feminism has evolved into in this day and age. I believed in the reasons for the early beginnings of the feminist movement, but I think that in some ways, it has gone too far, and that there is too much freedom in the world today.

Freedom is wonderful, but too much freedom is anarchy.



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