Lore's Lair

Poems, Stories and other good stuff by Steven F. Boettcher

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Welcome to Lore's Lair, my little corner of the World Wide Web.

Within Lore's Lair, I will present my poems and stories and sometimes works in progress for all the world to read.  Whether you enjoy them or not, depends entirely upon you.  My hope is that you will get something out of my works other than a headache.

Anyway, you must be wondering,   who am I and why is my site called Lore's Lair?

Well, as the top of the page says, I'm Steven F. Boettcher.  I'm nobody important other than to my family, so you won't find me in any books (not yet at least).  A search on the internet may turn up many Steven Boettchers, but I am sure that I do have a uniqueness all my own.  I write poetry.   I write stories. I draw.  I dream.  And I have a web site called Lore's Lair.  I also have a beautiful and talented wife. Lorraine, who has her own website of poetry and other wonderful things all her own called Lore's Tales.  Check it out!  Anyway, if you want to know more, I have an FAQ in the Table of Contents on the left. 

So enjoy, be at peace, & write me if you like something (or if you don't).  I'd like to hear from you.


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What You'll Find at Lore's Lair


Of Wonder & Hope
Of Despair
Of Darkness & Light
From Out There
Poems 2004
New Poetry 2008
Tales with Dragons
The Guardian Of Fagan's Keep
The Dragon and the Sorceress
Of Lore's Lair
Dragon Poems
Emerald Eyes
Epos and Edda




Ramblings Of An Idle Mind

Lorraine Boettcher's
Lore's Tales

Steve's Tolkien Page
Steve's Original Art
Reader's Comments




 So why Lore's Lair?

Lore is my wife's nickname and my daughter's middle name.  Plus it is the name of a character in one of my unfinished stories that I hope to finish someday.


About My Poetry

Life of dreams…Life is but a dream (as the nursery rhyme goes) is how my life has turned out.  Nice dreams. Day dreams. Nightmares! Surreal dreams.  Everything is a dream. Everyday I dream. There isn’t an idle moment where I am not dreaming in someway.  Sometimes reality seems like a dream. At least it can’t possibly be real! Can it?  Well, that’s what my poetry is like.  Is it autobiographical or is my poetry fantasy?  I really don’t know.  Sometimes I can come up with a poem from just a title or a word, sometimes it can start by how I am feeling, but after the first line it can shift to something completely different. I never know where the next line will bring me.  It’s always a wonderful surprise.  I guess that’s why I write poetry.

 I started writing poetry when I was in High School in 1984.  My English teacher, at the time, gave the class an assignment for writing a four line poem based on some kind of formula (i.e.  First line mention a person, second line mention a place, third line an animal, and forth line a food….or something like that).  Anyway, I wrote three of these poems with a similar theme and my teacher like it so much that he made copies of it and distributed to half the school.  Unfortunately, I no longer have a copy of this poem, but I been writing ever since.  (The second poem that I wrote is included in this collection (One Day)).

 When I started writing, I tried to write at least one poem a week.  This lasted about two years.  I have since cut down to only a handful in a year (I’m a lot busier now than I was then).  So, what can you expect from my poems?  Everything, or nothing or anything in between!  Actually, I don’t know!  Read in it whatever you want because, part of poetry is for the reader to make up his or her own impressions.  Sometimes, the author is the last to know. 

Legal Notice:

All poems and stories within Lore's Lair are Copyrighted © 1997-2006 by Steven F. Boettcher.  All rights reserved.

Please email author
for permission to use any writings or photos found on Lore's Lair.

Regarding images on Lore's Lair: I will try to give credit for images used when known.  If I have put up a copyrighted image that should be removed, please let me know.  Pardon my ignorance regarding this issue.
Thanks.  SFB